


Xinghai longterm Vegetation Monitoring Site


From 04/2011

Research focuses on long term effects of grazing on vegetation biomass and composition as well as on carbon cycling in the plant-soil system. For this five grazing exclosure plots and adjacent grazed areas along an altitudinal (3000-3600 m a.s.l.) and precipitation (375-505 mm) gradient, representing the common vegetation types of the upper montane belt on the Tibetan Plateau, are setup. Three sites are dominated by Kobresia spp and the two others in the drier region are dominated by grasses, mainly Stipa spp. For detailed site description see Miehe et al. (2008)

G. Miehe, K. Kaiser, S. Co, Z. Xinguan, L. Jiuanquan (2008). Geo-ecological transect studies in northeastern Tibet (Qinghai, China) reveal human-made mid-holocene environmental changes in the upper Yellow River catchment changing forest to grassland. Erdkunde 62(3):187-199

Versuchsflächen Xinghai

From left to right: Kobresia spp. dominated pasture with Stellera chamaejasme, Geog Miehe in Stipa dominated grassland, potentially natural vegetation with Juniperus trees

List of publications of this Field site

Hafner, S; Unteregelsbacher, S; Seeber, E; Becker, L; Xu, X; Li, X; Guggenberger, G; Miehe, G; Kuzyakov, Y: Effect of grazing on carbon stocks and assimilate partitioning in a Tibetan montane pasture revealed by 13CO2 pulse labeling, Global Change Biology(18), 528–538 (2012) -- Details
Unteregelsbacher, S; Hafner, S; Guggenberger, G; Miehe, G; Xu, X; Liu, J; Kuzyakov, Y: Response of long-, medium- and short-term processes of the carbon budget to overgrazing-induced crusts in the Tibetan Plateau, Biogeochemistry, Online First (2012), doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10533-011-9632-9 -- Details

Related links:
  • Experiment: Xinghai 2009: Grazing Exclusion Experiment Xinghai, Tibetan Plateau
  • Experiment: Xinghai and Kema 2011: Comparative Fertilisation Experiment in the montane belt (Xinghai) and alpine belt (Kema), Tibetan Plateau

last modified 2014-01-09