Daniel Graeber
MitgliedTelefon: +43 8920 1783
National Environmental Research Institute
Vejlsøvej 25
8600 Silkeborg
Doktorand am NERI
Thema der Arbeit:
The future Danish climate is expected to change towards a warmer climate with more extremes in precipitation. More water in the landscape in the forms of wetlands and lakes and a warmer and more humid climate will result in an increase in allochthonous and autochtonous dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) in aquatic ecosystems and a relative increase in the carriage and turnover of organic nutrients (DON, DOP, PON, POP) relative to inorganic nutrients. Biodegradation and re-cycling of nutrients in aquatic ecosystems will increase due to higher temperatures, resulting in a possible increase in overall nutrient retention. The aims of the project is to quantify the inorganic and organic nitrogen and phosphorus forms transported from fields to coastal waters taking into consideration turnover processes and the influence of gradients in land use and climate.
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