Graduate Program (M.Sc.)
Global Change Ecology - Students


Lecture: International Environmental Law (07418)

WS 2008/2009
We.: 08:00-10:00, S 21 (GEO)

V, 2 hrs


A. What is International (Environmental) Law?

I. Structure and Function of International Law

II. Sources of International Law 1. Treaties 2. Customary International Law 3. General Principles of Law 4. Juridical Decisions 5. Other Sources of International Law a) “Soft Law” b) Resolutions and Declarations of International Bodies

III. Implementation of Internationale Law and its Problems 1. Implementation 2. Dezentralized Application and Enforcement 3. Dispute Settlement

B. History of International Environmental Law

C. Principles of Internationale Environmental Law

I. Common Heritage of Mankind

II. Sustainability

III. Precautionary Principle

IV. Polluter-Pays-Principle

V. Liability

D. Specific Areas of International Environmental Law (Examples)

I. Climate Change

II. Biodiversity

III. Protection of Marine Living Ressources

IV. Transboundary Pollution

V. International Law on Use of Water Ressources

E. Environmental Aspects in International Economic Law

F. Environment and Human Rights/Culture


There is no specific literature on international environmental law to prepare this lecture or pass the final test. Educational material for working will continously be given as download, Handout or copy. The final test will be exclusively restricted on questions that can be answered with that material. So no recommendations on literature are given here. The following list of books and essays is just for students who would like to do some profound research in international environmental law.

U. Beyerlin, Umweltvölkerrecht, 2000; M. A. Fitzmaurice, International Protection of the Environment, Recueil des Cours de L’Académie de Droit International 293 (2001), pp. 9 et seq.; W. Graf Vitzthum, Raum und Umwelt im Völkerrecht, in: ders., Völkerrecht, 3. Aufl. 2004, Abschn. 5, Rn. 89 – 175; L. Guruswamy, International Environmental Law, 2003; P. Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law, 2. Aufl. 2003; R. Schmidt/W. Kahl, Umweltrecht, 7. Aufl. 2006, § 8; R. Wolfrum, Means of Ensuring Compliance with Enforcement of International Environmental Law, Recueil des Cours de L’Académie de Droit International 272 (1998), p. 9 et seq.

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