

WP1: Management and Coordination

Management structure

The consortium is managed by the project Steering Committee, chaired by the Project Coordinator with operational support from the Project Office. The Committee includes the Pedagogical Manager, the Implementation Manager, the Networking/Clustering Manager and the Validation Manager. They are collectively responsible for the higher level of decision making within the consortium. Apart from these roles, each Work Package is coordinated by the Work Package Leader. The quality control and risk management of the project rests with the Quality Assurance Manager.


Project Communication

For communication and internal reporting within the consortium is organised on a restricted web-based Communication Platform facilitating document sharing, on-line discussions as well as administrative tasks.

Consortium meetings take place about twice a year with interim meetings of subgroups. Given the size of the project consortium the meetings are essential for exchanging information among the partners, shaping a common understanding about the status of the project and deciding the next steps.

The yearly report provides a consolidated view of the project status and activities that have taken place within this period. To ensure a better coordination and risk management, the workpackage leaders will report biannually describing the current status and potential issues within their workpackage.


Quality Assurance

Within Workpackage 1 Annual Quality Assurance Evaluation Reports will be published (dissemination level: confidential) including the results from the implemented monitoring process.

last modified 2011-03-07