

WP2: Towards a Standards-Based Approach to Teaching Science by Inquiry

The main aim of the work is the development of a standards-based approach to teaching science by inquiry that outlines instructional models capable to help teachers to organise their instruction effectively.

The determination of the underlying principles that should govern the proposed standardization approach will be based on the concepts and the theoretical approaches deriving from recent educational research on the field.

The proposed approach imparts a deep understanding of content. It teaches prospective teachers many ways to motivate young minds, especially with the appropriate use of technology, and to guide them in active and extended scientific inquiry. The approach instils a knowledge of – and basic skills in using – effective teaching methods in the discipline.


Expected results (public reports)

D2.1 The features of inquiry learning: theory, research and practice
D2.2 Essentials of IBSE pedagogy: Strategies for Developing Inquiry as part of Scientific Literacy
D2.3 Effective learning environments for inquiry learning and teaching
D2.4 Professional development of IBSE teachers: Considerations and strategies
A framework for identifying best practices in inquiry-based science education

last modified 2011-07-06