

WP4: Developing a Community of Practitioners of Inquiry

The aim this Work package is to build a group of practitioners of inquiry who will share leading practices and influence policy development. The community needs teachers with specific change management competences required to operate successfully as change agents in their schools facilitating the implementation and further diffusion of inquiry based methods in teaching practice.

To guarantee sustainability of the proposed approach, the gradual development of the community of teachers – change leaders (first locally, and then gradually nationally and at the cross-European level) will be supported by a state-of-the-art Web 2.0 collaborative learning and knowledge exchange environment:

The Pathway Communities Support Environment aims to support the development of a comprehensive open learning network where teachers can access their colleagues’ course materials, share their own, and collaborate on affecting their everyday practice. It will use Web 2.0 features to create an online experience that engages educators in sharing their best science teaching practices.


Expected results (public reports / website)

D4.1 Specifications for the Organisation of Workshops
D4.2 Science Education Future Challenges Report
D4.3 Teachers’ Guidelines and Supporting Materials
D4.4 - D4.7 
Pathway Communities Support Environment (initial and advanced versions)

last modified 2011-05-30