

Emin Ugurlu: Publications

Güler, B; Jentsch, A; Apostolova, I; Bartha, S; Bloor, J; Campetella, G; Canullo, R; Házi, J; Kreyling, J; Pottier, J; Szabó, G; Terziyska, T; Ugurlu, E; Wellstein, C; Zimmermann, Z; Dengler, J: How plot shape and spatial arrangement affect plant species richness counts: implications for sampling design and rarefaction analyses, Journal of Vegetation Science, 27, 692−703 (2016), doi:10.1111/jvs.12411 -- Details
Kuzemko, AA; Becker, T; Didukh, YP; Ardelean, IA; Becker, U; Beldean, M; Dolnik, C; Jeschke, M; Naqinezhad, A; Ugurlu, E; Ünal, A; Vassilev, K; Vorona, EI; Yavorska, OH; Dengler, J: Dry grassland vegetation of Central Podolia (Ukraine) – a preliminary overview of its syntaxonomy, ecology and biodiversity, Tuexenia, 34, 391-430 (2014), doi:10.14471/2014.34.020 -- Details