

Rainer Gasche


Phone: +49 (0)8821 183 132
Fax: +49 (0)8821 183 294
e-Mail: rainer.gasche(at)kit.edu

IMK - IFU (Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research)

Arbeitsgruppe "Ecosystem Matter Fluxes"


Research Interests

  • Impact of Global Change factors and forest conversion practices on biosphere–atmosphere exchange of trace gases N2O, CH4, CO2, CO2, NO, NO2, O3
  • Impact of biotic and abiotic environmental factors on soil microbial N- and C-turnover processes
  • Identification, characterization and quantification of microbial processes and populations involved in production and consumption of N- and C-compounds
  • Development and application of techniques for quantification of trace gas fluxes and microbial C- and N-turnover processes

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last modified 2010-03-29