



Lukas Pauscher (2017)Measuring and understanding site-specific wind and turbulence characteristics for wind energy applications mehr...
Jörg Hübner (2014)Investigation of horizontal meteorological structures in comparison to turbulent structures at a forest edge mehr...
Tobias Biermann (2014)Eddy-covariance measurements as a tool for ecological and hydrological studies on Tibetan Plateau mehr...
Anywhere Tsokankunku (2014)Fluxes of the NO-O<SUB>3</SUB>-NO<SUB>2</SUB> triad above a spruce forest canopy in south-eastern Germany

Die Arbeit wurde am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie angefertigt (Prof. Dr. F.X. Meixner, Dr. Trebs) mehr...
Peng Zhao (2014)Ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapour in typical East-Asian croplands mehr...
Alexander Moravek (2014)Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate: Development of a Flux Measurement System and its Application on a Grassland Ecosystem

in Kooperation mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie Mainz (Dr. Ivonne Trebs) mehr...
Michael Riederer (2014)Carbon fluxes of an extensive meadow and attempts for flux partitioning mehr...
Tobias Gerken (2013)High-resolution modelling of surface atmosphere interactions and convection development at Nam Co Lake, Tibetan Plateau mehr...
Doojdao Charuchittipan (2013)Impact of time and spatial average on the energy balance closure mehr...
Wolfgang Babel (2013)Site-specific modelling of turbulent fluxes on the Tibetan Plateau mehr...
Rafael Eigenmann (2013)Free convection and turbulent fluxes over complex terrain mehr...
Stefan Metzger (2013)Applicability of weight-shift microlight aircraft for measuring the turbulent exchange above complex terrain

In co-operation with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-IFU), Garmisch-Partenkirchen mehr...
Lukas Siebicke (2011)Advection at a forest site - an updated approach mehr...
Katharina Köck (Staudt) (2010)Modeling the exchange of energy and matter within and above a spruce forest with the higher order closure model ACASA
Volker Lehmann (2010)Improved intermittent clutter filtering for wind profiler radar mehr...
Dinh Nguyen (2009)Evaluation of MODIS products over four European ecological study sites mehr...
Johannes Ruppert (2009)CO2 and isotope flux measurements above a spruce forest mehr...
Bodo Wichura (2009)Untersuchung zum Kohlendioxid-Austausch über einem Fichtenwaldbestand auf der Grundlage von Hyperbolic-Relaxed-Eddy-Accumulation Messungen für das stabile Kohlenstoffisotop 13C und von Wavelletanalysen mehr...
Jens-Christopher Mayer (2009)Transport processes of reactive trace gases in the atmospheric boundary layer mehr...
Luis Marcelo de Mattos Zeri (2008)Investigation of high nighttime CO2-fluxes at the Wetzstein spruce forest site in Thuringia, Germany

Externe Doktorarbeit am Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
Claudia Liebethal (2006)On the determination of the ground heat flux in micrometeorology and its influence on the energy balance closure
Matthias Mauder (2006)Quality assurance for eddy covariance measurements of turbulent fluxes and its influence on the energy balance closure problem mehr...
Udo Rummel (2005)Turbulent exchange of ozone and nitrogen oxides between an Amazonian rain forest and the atmosphere

Betreuer im Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie: Prof. Dr. F. X. Meixner mehr...
Christoph Thomas (2005)Detection and analysis of coherent structures within and above tall-vegetated canopies mehr...
Mathias Göckede (2005)Adoption of footprint methods for the quality control of eddy-covariance measurements mehr...
Thomas Wrzesinsky (2004)Direkte Messung und Bewertung des nebelgebundenen Eintrags von Wasser und Spurenstoffen in ein montanes Waldökosystem mehr...
Corinna Rebmann (2003)Kohlendioxid-, Wasserdampf- und Energieaustausch eines Fichtenwaldes in Mittelgebirgslage in Nordostbayern

Die Arbeit wurde vorwiegend am LS Pflanzenökologie und am Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie in Jena angefertigt, Betreuer: Prof. Dr. E.-D.Schulze mehr...