Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



Wolfgang Zech: Publikationen

Birk, J; Steiner, Chr; Teixeira, WG; Zech, W; Glaser, B: Microbial response to charcoal amendments and fertilization of a highly weathered tropical soil in Woods, W.; Teixeira, W.G.; Lehmann, J.; Steiner, C.; Winklerprins, A.; Rebellato, L.: Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroeks vision, Springer Verlag, 309-324 (2009)
Glaser, B; Zech, M; Buggle, B; Zech, W: 18O signature of plant- and microbial-derived sugars: Terrestrial palaeoclimatic proxy?, Poster for the INQUA-workshop in Lanzerote (2006)