Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung
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Christian Blodau: Publikationen

Blodau, C: Carbon cycling in peatlands: A review of processes and controls, Environmental Reviews, 10, 111-134 (2002)
Blodau, C; Peiffer, S: Deposition und Transformation des Eisenminerals Schwertmannit unterdrückt die interne Neutralisation in Restseen des Braunkohletagebaus, Aktuelle Reihe BTU Cottbus (2002)
Blodau, C; Roehm, C; Moore, TR: Iron, sulfur and dissolved carbon dynmics in a northern peatland, Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 154, 561-583 (2002)
Blodau, C; Moore, TR: Macro-porosity affects water movement and pore water sampling in peat soils, Soil Science, 167, 99-109 (2001)
Blodau, C; Peine, A; Hoffmann, S; Peiffer, S: Organic matter diagenesis in acidic mining lakes, Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. Acta, 28, 123-135 (2000)
Blodau, C; Hoffmann, S; Peine, A; Peiffer, S: Iron and sulfate reduction in the sediments of acid mine lake 116 (Brandenburg, Germany): Rates and geochemical evaluation, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 108, 249-270 (1998)
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