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Hauhs, M; Lange, H; Callenberg, R; Hoch, R; Moldan, F; Rodhe, A; Seibert, J; Bishop, K: Modelling the Hydrology of the Covered Catchment in Hultberg,H and Skeffington,RA (eds.): Experimental Reversal of Acid Rain Effects: The Gardsjön Project, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 383-395 (1998) | |
Abstract: Four different models were applied to the G1 ROOF dataset. Two of them (a mixing model and CXTFIT) are intimately connected to the residence time approach. The other two models (TOPMODFL and SilVIow) address flowpaths within the G1 catchment. Each application has been successful with respect to a reconstruction of the observed behaviour in runoff. Different attempts to interpret these model results in terms of a more spatially resolved (in the case of residence times) or more time-averaged (in the case of flowpaths) picture did not arrive at consistent representation of the internal dynamics. However, many of the problems encountered correspond to long-standing similar puzzles concerning the hydrology of the Gårdsjön area. The G1 catchment seems to recapitulate in a nutshell some typical unsolved problems in contemporary hydrology. It is suggested that it serves in the future as a primary experimental site where practical or theoretical limitations of prominent methods can be tested in a reproducible way. |