Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung
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Wesselink, LG; Mulder, J; Matzner, E: Modelling seasonal and long-term dynamics of anions in an acid forest soil, Solling, Germany, Geoderma, 64, 21-39 (1994)
A determmtstlc model was apphed to simulate sod water chemistry data, collected dunng an 18- year penod in an acid forest soil m Solhng, Germany In this paper, the hydrochem~stry of Cl, NO~ and SO4 is discussed Seasonal and long-term variations of C1 concentrattons in soil solutton were successfully simulated as a result of atmospheric deposmon and hydrological processes The marked increase of SO4 concentrations at 90 cm depth dunng the 1970s could be simulated satisfactorily using adsorption eqmhbrlum Here we assumed that high SO4 deposmon loads m the 1970s entered a sotl which had reached a state of near saturatton with respect to adsorbed SO4 in the pre~.edmg dccades In the 1980s, measured and stmulated SO4 concentrations at 90 cm depth decrcased, duc to reduced SO4 deposmon Modelled resupply of SO4 to solution by desorptlon was less than observed, partlculary in penods with high water fluxes In wet periods, when observed N releases lrom the htter layer were high, stmulated N concentrations in htter percolates wcrc lowm than ob~cr,,cd x aluc~, Elevated N concentrations at 90 cm depth occurred when the N-input into the nuneral ,,od exceeded approximately 4 kmol ha-1 yr-1
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