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Klemm, O; Lange, H: Trends in Air Pollutant Concentrations at a Rural Site in Central Europe. 6th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 5, 173 (1998), doi:10.1007/BF02986409 | |
Abstract: For the analysis of regional effects such as formation of photooxidants, we need information about air pollutant concentrations from rural sites, because a large fraction of photochemical transformation in the atmosphere takes place at such locations and in the free troposphere. In this contribution, we present data sets that were collected between 1988 and 1997 at a rural, forested site in the Fichtelgebirge mountains, NE Bavaria, Central Europe. This location is very particular with respect to its air pollutant scenarios: Most of the time, it is affected through the zonal circulation that advects air masses that travelled over western Europe. During easterly and southeasterly winds, air originating from the Czech Republic, carrying high levels of SO2 and particles, is advected. In some cases, air masses from the North, carrying pollutants from the former East German territories, are advected. These are especially interesting episodes since Eastern Germany underwent a significant change of its emission patterns of air pollutants. While SO2 and particles have been significanty reduced since the opening of the German border, the precursors of photochemical smog show no clear trend within the past 10 years.
We analyze our NOx and O3 data sets with respect to the regional origin of the corresponding air masses. The SO2 data will serve as tracers identifying the trends of emissions in the Czech Republic and eastern Germany. The time series are characterized by means of nonlinear methods (recurrence plots, Hurst statistics), and their relative randomness and complexitiy are investigated with entropy-related measures.