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27-29 September 2023, University of Bayreuth (UBT)

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17Oexcess in Soreq Cave Speleothems

Hagit Affek1, Ahinoam Assor1, Rolf Vieten1, Eugeni Barkan1, Miriyam Bar-Matthews2, Avner Ayalon2, Ekaterina Fishman1
1 Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2 The Israel Geological Survey

Keynote 2 in Earth System Science and Reconstruction

28.09.2023, 09:00-09:30, H 36

17Oexcess is the deviation of d17O from the generally accepted 17O-18O mass dependent reference line. In carbonates, it records mostly the 17Oexcess of the parent water. In rainfall, 17Oexcess allows to reconstruct the relative humidity moisture source region, with lower relative humidity corresponding to higher 17Oexcess. In some cases, however, partial re-evaporation of the raindrops may result in lower 17Oexcess.

We measure 17Oexcess in rain and cave water, as well as in speleothems from Soreq cave. 17Oexcess of 50 per meg obtained in the weighted mean modern rainfall is consistent with the relative humidity at the moisture source region of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In small rain events 17Oexcess is affected by raindrop partial evaporation.

17Oexcess values of paleo water was reconstructed from 17Oexcess in Soreq cave speleothems, at an age range of 0 - 160 ka, and compared to fluid inclusions d-excess. Water 17Oexcess reconstruction was based on the 17O carbonate-water fractionation in modern Soreq stalagmites and cave water, which we found to be consistent with that in biogenic and synthetic carbonates, using previously measured clumped isotopes temperatures. The results show that 17Oexcess and d-excess in paleo cave water vary together in some time periods but behave differently in other times, with variations in 17Oexcess that likely reflect a combination of increase in normalized relative humidity in the moisture source region and local evaporation.

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