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27-29 September 2023, University of Bayreuth (UBT)

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4 Environment and Pollution

Thursday, 15:00-16:30, H 36

Prof. Dr. Tillmann Lüders, Ecological Microbiology &
Dr. Alexander Frank, DFG Core Facility BayCenSI, BayCEER / UBT

15:00Keynote 3: Martin Elsner et al.: Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
15:30O 4.1: Arno Rein et al.: Characterization of pesticide fate in the unsaturated zone using numerical transport modeling and stable carbon isotopes
15:45O 4.2: Tobias Goldhammer et al.: Phosphate oxygen isotope insights into lacustrine phosphorus cycling
16:00O 4.3: Jonas Hädeler et al.: Natural abiotic iron-oxido-mediated formation of C1 and C2 compounds from environmentally important methyl-substituted substrates
16:15O 4.4: Moritz Schroll et al.: Methane accumulation and its potential precursor compounds in the oxic surface water layer of two contrasting stratified lakes

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P 4.1 Michael E. Böttcher, Carla Nantke, Antonia Schell, D.E. Canfield, Catia M. Ehlert von Ahn, Iris Schmiedinger
Stable carbon isotopes as tracers for benthic sources of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Eastern North Sea: The Skagerrak area
P 4.2 David R. Piatka, Alexander Frank, Inga Köhler, Kathrin Castiglione, Robert van Geldern, Johannes A.C. Barth
Critical switch towards bicarbonate uptake during cyanobacteria blooms at much higher than expected pH values as shown by multiple carbon isotope investigations
P 4.3 Laurynas Bučinskas, Inga Garbarienė, Agnė Mašalaitė, Justina Šapolaitė, Žilvinas Ežerinskis, Dalia Jasinevičienė, Vidmantas Remeikis, Andrius Garbaras
Application of dual carbon and sulfur isotopes as tracers of PM1 pollution sources
P 4.4 Siegmund Ertl, Andre Wilhelms, Andrey Voropaev, Florian Eichinger, Stefan Norra
Isotope analyses to asses sediment cores from freshwater lakes in Jiangsu Region
P 4.5 Felix Niemann, Annika Gruhlke, Maik A. Jochmann, Torsten C. Schmidt
Carbon isotope fractionation of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid during photolytic degradation
P 4.6 Lena Rohe, Rene Dechow, Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale, Reinhard Well
N2O fluxes by fungal denitrification, quantification, control and foreseen modelling
P 4.7 Florian Einsiedl, Alexandra Pena, Anja Wunderlich
Annual and seasonal dynamics of anaerobic oxidation of ammonium and denitrification linked with methane in a dimictic lake
P 4.8 Sebastian Floßmann, Kaiyu Lei, Rebecca Hoess, Sigrid van Grinsven, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Jörg Völkel, Jürgen Geist, Michael Dannenmann
Assessing Organic Fertilizer Nitrogen Cycling and Translocation into adjacent Aquatic Systems using 15N Tracing at different Scales
P 4.9 Daniela Polag, Felix Müller, Konrad Koch, Mathias Weigoldt, Michael Lebuhn, Frank Keppler
Increasing methane productivity in anaerobic digesters by addition of CO2 – the use of stable isotope techniques to identify the mechanisms

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