Vorlesung/Übung: Natural Risks and Hazards (A3a) (74010)
WS 2022/2023
09.12.2022-11.12.2022 (mehrtägig), starts at 2 pm on Friday
Anke Jentsch
Lecture/Exercise course, 3 ECTS
Block course: from 9 December 2022 (2 pm) to 11 December 2022 (6 pm)
Learning Objectives: Aim of this module is to teach about occurrence and impact of natural risks and extreme events in ecology. Reoccurring events are included as well as single disasters; those with stabilizing effects and those with catastrophic consequences and regime shift. The impact of climatic, biotic and geomorphological events on biodiversity, ecology, provision of services, and cultural landscapes is covered. The learning objective is the ability to deal with in-depth theories and methods of Disturbance Ecology and to research extreme events. Fundamentals for a scientific study of interdisciplinary disaster research and risk management will be developed.
Course Content: Climate and land-use change are leading to global changes in disturbance regimes and to an increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme events. In this module, we deal with, geomorphological hazards, abrupt climate change and extreme weather events like heat waves, drought, intense rainfall, tropical cyclones and extra-tropical severe storms. Furthermore, avalanches, mass movement, large fires, insect calamities, pandemics, volcano eruptions and floods will be covered. The ecological consequences of possible future extreme events such as a lack of cold winter and occurrence of late frosts in the northern hemisphere will be addressed. Developing and presenting a scientific expert presentation trains students in analyzing and understanding the progress in current scientific literature on extreme events.
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