Vorlesung: Globalization of Economies and the Environment (GCE:C3a) (74037)
SS 2023
Mi.: 08:00-10:00, S 25 (GEO II)
Thomas Koellner, Mario Larch
Lecture, 2 ECTS
Starting date: 19 April, 2023
Learning Objectives (Module C3): The increasing demand for goods and services as well as the globalization of markets has far-reaching economic, ecological and social effects. On the one hand, developing countries could benefit economically from increased export of raw materials (e.g. biofuels) or through direct investment from industrial nations (e.g. in the agricultural sector), on the other hand, ecosystems could be sustainably damaged due to low environmental standards in developing countries.
The aim of this module is to understand the flows of goods and services in global financial and raw materials markets and their economic and ecological effects, and to critically examine environmental policy instruments.
Course Content: The lecture teaches the basics of the function and actors as well as environmental innovations in the global financial sector. The lecture also provides an introduction to environmental economic theories and policies in an international context. This knowledge enables students to critically examine the influence of globalization in the area of goods and finance on the environment and ecosystems.
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