Übung: Soil Carbon and Global Change (GCE: B6b = former B6c) (74031)
SS 2024
08.04.2024-12.04.2024 (mehrtägig)
Andrey Rodionov
2 ECTS, as 1 week block course 1 week after lecture exam
Dates: 08 to 12 April 2024. Field day on carbon storage in soil. Lab week on carbon analyses in soil.
Learning Objectives (B6): Knowledge about the storage and loss of carbon in and from soil is crucial to mitigate climate warming. This module offers insights into processes and mechanisms that lead to carbon sequestration in soil. We look at soils from different climate regions, and learn about soil carbon accumulation and greenhouse gas emissions and how this is affected by climate change and land-use.
Course Content: Tutorial: Field day on carbon storage in soil. Lab week on carbon analyses in soil.
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