Sarah Niklas: Curriculum Vitae
10/2008 – now Masters Program Global Change Ecology University of Bayreuth, Germany,
10/2004 - 03/2008 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Biology, Majors: Ecology and Zoology
Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck, Austria;
08/2003 – 08/2004 Year abroad: Gap Year in Australia, New Zeeland und Indonesia
07/2003 - 10/1993 Abitur
Bachelor Projects
“Doping - Focus on Erythropoietin (EPO)ʼʼ (2008)
Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Pelster, Institute for Zoology and Center for Molecular Bioscience, Innsbruck
The work describes a common doping substance, the hormone Epopoetin, and broaches the issue of other illegal performance-enhancing drugs. Furthermore, it discusses the history of its use and the physiological effects on the athletes.
“The Evolution and Extinction of Dinosaursʼʼ (2006)
Supervisor: Prof. Bert Hobmeyer, Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck
The project is a theoretical work that focuses on the evolution and extinction of two interesting species T. rex and Triceraptos.
Internship at the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF), Sydney, Australia.
The ISF is focusing on sustainable solutions for urban environments. My contribution to the research involved a literature review regarding the potential of Green roofs and walls for Australian cities.
Internship at the Institute of Zoology Oceans Programme (IOZ), Imperial College, London, UK.
During my internship I worked on a database of marine deepsea fauna. The project investigated the diversity and distribution of deep-sea octocoral. I was introduced to GIS- Geographic information system and assisted with modeling approaches to visualize and understand the distribution of marine organisms.
Working experience in Germany
09/ 2009 Organizational assistance at the international GFÖ (Gesellschaft für Ökologie) conference in Bayreuth
06/ 2002 Working experience in a chemist (Hof Apotheke, Bad Laasphe)
Attended international conferences and Workshops
05/2010 Resilient Cities 2010, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, Bonn
04/2010 Green Roofs - Challenges and Reward Meeting, Department of Environment,
Climate Change and Water, NSW Government, Kenthurst, NSW, Australia
12/2009 COP 15, UNFCCC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
12/2009 COP15 “Development and Climate Change Days”, DR Byen, Copenhagen
11/2009 24. Forum Globale Fragen "Climate justice", Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
11/2008 International conference held by the Federal Foreign Office „Climate Change as a
Security Threat - Strategies for Policy-Makers, Science and Business“, Freiburg
Attended international Summer and Winter Schools
Summer School “Adaptation to Climate Change – Challenges for Research and Ecosystem Management”, Castle of Thurnau, Bavaria, Germany
Bergen Summer Research School “Climate, Environment and Energy”, course: “Impact of Climate Change on Marine and Terrestrial Resources”, Bergen, Norway
Marine biological excursion to Madeira, Prof. Pelster, Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck
Attitional work shops:
10/2009 Workshop “Negotiation for results” within the Elite Netzwork Bavaria (ENB)
05/2009 Workshop “Intercultural Competence” within the Elite Netzwork Bavaria (ENB)
Foreign language competence
English: fluent written and spoken
French: 5 years, high school level
Spanish: Beginner level
Language - certificate
06/2008 Cambridge Advanced English Test (C1)
PC Skills
- MS Office
- Basics: ArcGis and ArcView
- Basics: Remote Sensing Software: ENVI 4.5, ENVI Zoom
- Basics: Programming language „R“
- Basics: SimaPro Life Cycle Assessment Software
- Reference Software 'Zotero'