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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Michaela Deininger


Bis 09/2014 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: Michaela.Deininger(at)stmail.uni-bayreuth.de

Michaela Deininger 

Academic Career

since 2012   Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.),
University of Bayreuth
2007-2012   European Studies (M.A.),
Major: English, 1st minor: Geography, 2nd minors: German, Educational Studies, European Studies, Psychology, Sociology, University of Education Karlsruhe

Further Education


2009-2010   University of Brighton, England
- Researches in the fields of Sustainable Development, Ice Age Earth and Earth Surface Processes
- Project on the subject ‘Brighton – A Sustainable Community?’

2007   Hennepin Technical College,
Brooklyn Park and Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA
- Studies in the fields of American culture, language and history   


July-Aug 2014  Federal Environment Agency,
Dessau-Roßlau, Germany

July-Sept. 2013   Alfred Wegener Institute

Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
2008-2011   Several primary and secondary schools

 Science Schools & Conferences

Natural Disturbance Conference, Bavarian Forest National Park
Lusen, Germany
Summer School
European Climate Change Adaption Conference
Hamburg, Germany

Work Experience

July-Sept. 2012 Participation in a development assistance project at the Zanzibar Aids Association and Support of Orphans (ZASO), Zansibar, Tanzania  

- Participation in outreach activities

2010-2011   Student Assistant at the English Department and at the Student Committee,
University of Education Karlsruhe, Germany

2006-2007   Au Pair
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


2009-ongoing Hans-Boeckler-Foundation


Since 2013   Queer- und Genderpolitk in Bayreuth

Since 2011   “Freunde für Fremde e.V.” Karlsruhe (refugee organisation)
 2008-11   Active member of the GEW university group

Since 2008   GEW (Union of Education and Science)

2008-2009   Elected member of the Faculty Council and the Committee on University Didactic,
University of Education Karlsruhe

2008-2010   Speaker on Ecological and Social Matters

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