

Sampling hyporheic zones, in situ measurement techniques (ATC 01)

WS 2015/2016
02.11.2015-04.11.2015 (mehrtägig), University of Birmingham, UK

Stefan Krause, Shai Arnon, Jörg Lewandowski, Athena Chalari

This course at River Tern in England (UK) will focus on the crucial importance of obtaining representative samples and carrying out in situ measurements.

Major topics:

  • design of multi-level samplers, mini-piezometer networks, and passive sampling technologies (diffusion chambers, gel-probes)
  • in-situ analytical techniques (e.g., fluorescence analysers)
  • techniques for measuring hyporheic exchange (e.g., distributed temperature sensing DTS, heat-pulse) and stream discharge (e.g., ADV).

Members of the SME Silixa will provide theoretical and practical training on the application of distributed temperature sensing (DTS). The ATC serves to familiarize all ESRs with techniques and methods to be applied in work packages 1-5 of the HypoTRAIN grant agreement, and it will allow the ESRs to familiarize with this focus site.


Please note: This course is mandatory for all HypoTRAIN ESRs!

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Letzte Änderung 19.08.2015