

Hyporheic ecology (ATC 05)

WS 2015/2016
02.03.2016-04.03.2016 (mehrtägig), TU Darmstadt

Marcus A. Horn, Anne Robertson, Tom Battin

This course will provide insight into the structure-function coupling of microbial biofilms in the HZ and in tech¬niques to describe and quantify microbial diversity and physical structure of stream biofilms. It will give an overview on techniques applied for identifying microbes associated with pollutant degradation and highlight the relevance of protozoa, micro- and macro-metazoa in hyporheic processes.

Unterlagen zur Veranstaltung

Datum Kommentar Typ Größe in MB
18. 02. 2016 Schedule ATC 5 0.296

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Letzte Änderung 11.01.2016