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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Seminar: Global Change and Agroecosystems (A5b) (74016 (bzw. 20085))

WS 2023/2024
23.02.2024-24.02.2024 (mehrtägig), S 21 (GEO II)

Johanna Pausch, Khatab Abdalla


Block course: 23 February 2024 (12 noon to 6 pm) and 24 February 2024 (9 am to 4 pm)

Place: S 21 (GEO II)

Learning Objectives: The module goal is to learn fundamental knowledge about regional and global developments in agroecosystems.

Course Content: Concepts of agroecosystems research; Ecological mechanisms and processes that are influenced by global change; Drought; Principles of soil and plant water relationships; Implication of drought for agriculture worldwide; Human impact on water balances and resources on different scales; Hydrologic and biogeochemical interactions


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