

Anke Jentsch: Theses supervised

Bachelor's Theses

Lukas Müller (2008) Interaction effects between fine roots and soil enzymes in a grassland ecosystem objected to weather manipulation. TU München

Supervisor: Anke Jentsch

Master's Theses

Laura Dienstbach (2011) Können Düngung und Mahdzeitpunkt die negativen Auswirkungen erhöhter Niederschlagsvariabilität auf Biomasse und Futterqualität eines extensiv genutzten Grünlandes kompensieren? more

Supervisor: Jürgen Kreyling, Anke Jentsch

Diploma Theses

Kerstin Grant (2008) Effects of extreme weather events – drought and heavy rainfall – on aboveground productivity of plant communities and competitive balance among various species more

Supervisor: Anke Jentsch, Hermann Heilmeier

PhD Theses

Roman Hein Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf biotische Interaktionen sowie Anpassungsstrategien des Naturschutzes

Supervisor: Anke Jentsch
Jan Schürings Events hidden in winter warming: Effects of recurrent soil freeze-thaw cycles on plant perfomance in the temperate zone

Supervisor: Anke Jentsch
Julia Walter (2012) Plant physiological mechanisms behind the effects of extreme climatic events on vegetation and ecosystem functions

Supervisor: Anke Jentsch
Jürgen Kreyling (2008) Response of Vegetation to Extreme Climatic Events in Central Europe

Supervisor: Anke Jentsch