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Untersuchung der Schwefel-Dynamik im Grundwasserleiter
BITÖK-S10Von 01/1995 bis 12/1997
Projektleiter: Gunnar Lischeid
Mitarbeiter: Michael Hauhs, Andreas Kolb
Bewilligung: 0339476 B Vorhersage und Erklärung des Verhaltens und der Belastbarkeit von Ökosystemen unter veränderten Umweltbedingungen
In 1995, the setup for the hydrological long term routine programs was completed at the
Lehstenbach catchment (Fichtelgebirge) and Steinkreuz/ Erlensumpf (Steigerwald). These
measurements, as far as performed by the Department of Hydrogeology, now comprise
meteorological measurements, including precipitation and throughfall analysis
(Steigerwald), soil matrix potential and soil water content determination, groundwater
analysis (Waldstein) and runoff measurement, including water analysis (Steigerwald).
Additionally, a steady state tracer experiment was performed in cooperation with the
Department of Ecological Modelling at the roofed catchment Gårdsjön G1 (Sweden). Here,
the runoff generation process has been studied in detail. The data set allows to parametrize
hydrological and hydrochemical models run at .
Time series of sulfate and dissolved organic carbon in the Lehstenbach runoff were
analysed by applying an artificial neural network. It turned out that discharge and short term
discharge history alone accounted for 80% of the variance of concentration over time. This
is a further step towards identification of the relevant processes at the catchment scale.