Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung
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Knauft, F-J: Landscape Visualization with three different forest growth simulators in Amaro, A., Reed, D. and Soares, P.: Modelling Forest Systems, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, Chapter 30, 347-358 (2003)
Individual based tree models are well-suited to represent growth processes at scales where trees interact through mutual shading and/or root competition. Management decisions are in general performed at larger scales even when selective thinning is considered. Unfortunately, no satisfying scaling theory is available to upscale from the individual tree to the stand or even landscape level, but modern IT provides several options to attempt ?brute-force-solutions? that circumvent the scaling problem: i.e. modelling a sufficient number of individual trees in a stand/landscape (depending on the application) to represent the spatial distributions of properties of simulated forests with meaningful precision. This paper will present three different integrated systems/examples to approach this (scaling) task on various levels of detail and realism. In all three examples the simulator kernel is individual tree-based, it is linked to GIS functionality and a visualization interface. They differ in their purposes and hence in number/detail of processes included and the resolution of the visualization interface. The first example Viwa integrates the tree-growth model Silva, with the tree visualization package Amap Its main purpose is to serve as a communication interface between forestry and the public requiring an almost photo realistic visualization. The second example Viwa2 aims at forestry experts only and thus allows a more abstract presentation of trees. It combines the forestry oriented simulator Bwin with a landscape visualization tool EnVision. The third example aims at the communication between forest experts and ecosystem researchers. It combines Tragic++ with the Amap-package and has an interactive user interface. We will present which objectives are faced due to contrasting model designs and to different programming techniques that might however be overcome by standardizing the interface between growth models and visualizations.
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