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Knowledge management in silviculture based on growth simulations with interactive 3D-visualization
BITÖK-D1From 01/2001 to 12/2004
Principal Investigator: Michael Hauhs
Staff: Thomas Glotzmann, Falk-Juri Knauft
Grant: 0339476 D Grundlagen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Ökosystemen bei veränderter Umwelt
Silviculture can be understood as a goal-oriented, interactive process which requires a substantial
amount of practical experience managing forest stands. In this project we use modern visualization
software to simulate interactive repetitive thinning operations during the rotation period of
typical German forests. The main objective is the creation of a knowledge repository, representing
the expertise of practical foresters with respect to thinning choices. Such a repository will also
facilitate a further updating of silvicultural knowledge, especially under the currently changing
environmental and economic boundary conditions of German forestry.
Interactive forest growth simulators (Tragic++) are controlled by a sophisticated 3D-visualization (JTragic) providing an
input interface for ecosystem managers to reflect their practical experience. Interactions of users
with a virtual stand over a complete rotation period (defined through the 3D-interface with intuitive
interaction) will be recorded, analyzed and transformed into rules. The behavior of interactively
calibrated models is used as a basis to evaluate the quality of growth reconstructions and
silvicultural activities within the community of practitioners. New in this approach is the leading
role of continuous and documented learning in practical ecosystem management to ensure
sustainability. Focusing at knowledge management will also improve the communication links between
ecosystem research and practical aspects in silviculture.
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