Evaluation of forest management techniques by visualization of growth models
From 01/1998 to 12/2000Principal Investigator: Michael Hauhs
Staff: Alois Kastner-Maresch, Lael Parrott, Bernd Scheerer, Birgit Thies
Grant: 0339476 C Grundlagen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Ökosystemen bei veränderter Umwelt
We seek a new link between the empirical knowledge of successful forest managers and the biological approach of analysing forest growth processes. The relavant knowledge from practical forest management experience shall be reviewed against its scientific value. The knowledge/experience of forest managers is mapped in an intuitive way to computer models with highly sophisticated 3D representations of the forest. Users may participate in the modelling excercise via WWW. This is enabled by using a multi-tier infrastructure which was developed and consists of the TRAGIC++ model in C++ communicating its results to a relational database which is accessed by a Java3D frontend which may run in a Web-browser and gets the simulation results from the database using Java RMI. The next step will be to make it possible to record the user interactions with the virtual forest stand and to analyse the record of interactions to utilize the implicit knowledge of forest managers. Furthermore, TRAGIC++ was further developed to enable comfortable thinning regimes, a (optional) more detailed photosynthesis module and a better 3D visualization in OpenGL. The model complemented by a description is available via WWW.
List of publications of this Project
Hauhs, M; Lange, H; Kastner-Maresch, A: Complexity and simplicity in Ecosystems: The case of forest management, InterJournal for Complex Systems, 415, 1-8 (2001) -- Details |
Hauhs, M; Dörwald, W; Kastner-Maresch, A; Lange, H: The role of visualization in forest growth modelling, Proc. IUFRO Congress "Empirical and Process-based models for Forest Tree and Stand Growth Simulation", Oeiras (Portugal), 21-27.9.97, 403-418 (1999) -- Details |