Camilla Wellstein
KoordinatorinTelefon: 0921-552299
Fax: 0921-552315
Raum: GEO II, Rm 002
e-Mail: camilla.wellstein(at)uni-bayreuth.de
Lehrstuhl für Biogeografie, Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
Research Interests
My research interests embrace a number of fields from molecular ecology, plant and vegetation ecology to ecosystems research, landscape ecology and biogeography
I focus on
- field studies and experimental research in grasslands, forests, mountainous and alpine ecosystems
- plant species and ecosystem response to climate and land-use change
- plant functional traits and functional diversity
- intraspecific functional and genetic variability, adaptive plasticity
- community assembly and vegetation dynamics
- seed ecology (soil seed banks and recruitment)
- adaptation strategies to climate change
- science and research management
Special issue: Understanding species and community response to environmental change - a functional trait perspective |
Special Feature: Forschungsverbund FORKAST: Ökosysteme im Wandel |
Edited by Dr. Camilla Wellstein, Prof Boris Schröder, Prof Björn Reineking and Dr. Niklaus E. Zimmermann |
Edited by Dr. Camilla Wellstein and Prof Carl Beierkuhnlein (In German language) |
Volume 145, Issue 1 | Volume 85 |
The December 2011 issue of Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment deals with the continuous challenge of understanding the dynamics of biodiversity and the linkage of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. A guest editorial and nine papers shed light on the mechanisms behind functional changes and their outcome to ecosystem functions. The knowledge gained in this research field promises to be a valuable basis for the development of adaptation strategies to environmental change. |
In the November 2011 special feature, LWF aktuell reports on the Bavarian reserach consortium FORKAST. Seven articles provide results of interdisciplinary research on the ecological outcome of climate change on Bavarian Forests and options for adaptation strategies. |
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