

SIGNAL Members

Steering Committee

Jentsch, Anke, Prof. Dr.
Dengler, Jürgen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.PflanzenökologieUniversität Bayreuth

Central technical support

Holzheu, Stefan, Dr.BayCEER GeschäftsstelleUniversität Bayreuth
Archner, OliverBayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER)University of Bayreuth
Müller, GerhardBayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER)University of Bayreuth


Bahn, Michael, Prof. Dr.Institute of EcologyUniversity of Innsbruck


Nijs, Ivan, Prof. Dr.Plant and Vegetation EcologyUniversity of Antwerpen
Janssens, Ivan, Prof. Dr.Plant and Vegetation EcologyUniversity of Antwerpen
De Boeck, Hans, Dr.Plant and Vegetation EcologyUniversity of Antwerpen
Berwaers, Sigi, M.Sc.Plant and Vegetation EcologyUniversity of Antwerpen


Apostolova, Iva, Prof. Dr.Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Meshinev, Tenyo, Prof. Dr.Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sopotlieva, Desislava, Dr.Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Vassilev, Kiril, Dr.Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Pedashenko, Hristo, MSc.Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Stoyanov, JasenInstitute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Terziiska, Tvetelina, Mgr.Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Velev, Nikolay, M.Sc.Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ResearchBulgarian Academy of Sciences


Picon-Cochard, Catherine, Dr.Grassland Ecosystem Research UnitInstitut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
Bloor, Juliette, Dr.Grassland Ecosystem Research UnitInstitut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
Pottier, Julien, Dr.Grassland Ecosystem Research UnitInstitut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
Alessio, Giorgio, M.Sc.Grassland Ecosystem Research UnitInstitut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
Hernandez, Pauline, M.Sc. in EcologyGrassland Ecosystem Research UnitInstitut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)


Jentsch, Anke, Prof. Dr.
Beierkuhnlein, Carl, Prof. Dr.Universität BayreuthLehrstuhl für Biogeografie
Koellner, Thomas, Prof. Dr.Universität BayreuthProfessur für Ökologische Dienstleistungen
Werner, Christiane, Prof. Dr. Institut für ForstwissenschaftenProfessur für Ökosystemphysiologie
Dengler, Jürgen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.PflanzenökologieUniversität Bayreuth


Bartha, Sándor, Dr. habil. Centre for Ecological ResearchHungarian Academy of Sciences
Fóti, Szilvia, Dr. Centre for Ecological ResearchHungarian Academy of Sciences
Házi, Judit, Dr. Centre for Ecological ResearchHungarian Academy of Sciences
Kröel-Dulay, György, Dr. Centre for Ecological ResearchHungarian Academy of Sciences
Komoly, Cecília, M.Sc. Centre for Ecological ResearchHungarian Academy of Sciences
Zimmermann, Zita, M.Sc. Centre for Ecological ResearchHungarian Academy of Sciences
Czinege, István


Sternberg, Marcelo, Prof. Dr.Tel Aviv UniversityDepartment of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants
Henkin, Zalmen, Dr.Volcani CenterAgricultural Research Organisation (ARO)


Campetella, Giandiego, Dr.School of Environmental ScienceUniversity of Camerino
Canullo, Roberto, Prof. Dr.School of Environmental ScienceUniversity of Camerino
Chelli, Stefano, M.Sc.School of Environmental ScienceUniversity of Camerino
Wellstein, Camilla, Dr.Universität BayreuthLehrstuhl für Biogeografie
Cervellini, MarcoSchool of Environmental ScienceUniversity of Camerino
Cetara, Luca, M.Sc.School of Environmental ScienceUniversity of Camerino
Cianfaglione, Kevin, M.Sc. in Natural SciencesSchool of Environmental ScienceUniversity of Camerino
Tacchi, Roberta, Dr.School of Environmental ScienceUniversity of Camerino


Stampfli, Andreas, Dr. habil.School of AgriculturalBern University of Applied Sciences
Zeiter, Michaela, Dr.School of AgriculturalBern University of Applied Sciences
Schulz, SelinaSchool of AgriculturalBern University of Applied Sciences


Ugurlu, Emin, Prof. Dr.Department of BiologyCelal Bayar University
Altan, Yasin, Prof. Dr.Department of BiologyCelal Bayar University

Externe Kooperationspartner

Schuster, Michael, M.Sc.Department of Biological SciencesEcology and Evolutionary Biology