

Carl Beierkuhnlein: Curriculum Vitae

Since 2002 Professor of the chair of Biogeography at the University of Bayreuth.

2007 - 2009 university counsil of the University Bayreuth

October 2005 - September 2007 dean of the department of biology, chemistry and geoscience.

2000 - 2002 Full professor for "Landscape Ecology" at the University of Rostock.

2000 Postdoctoral university teaching qualification for "Biogeography".

1994 - 1999 Research Associate, Chair of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth.

1994 PhD supervised by Prof. Müller-Hohenstein.

1991 – 1994 Ecological expertises and consulting.

1992 – 1993 Research scientist at the Institute for Terrestrial Ecology (BITÖK), Bayreuth.

1989 - 1991 Employed at the german branch of 'Friends of the Earth' (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz, BUND).

1983 - 1988 Study of Geoecology at the University of Bayreuth.

Activities in Organizations, Memberships, etc.

• Speaker of the Working Group for Biogeography of the VGDH

• Member of the editorial board of Basic and Applied Ecology

• Member of the editorial board of Journal of Applied Vegetation Science

• Since February 2009 speaker FORKAST

• Since July 2006 speaker of GCE "Global Change Ecology"

• Member of various scientific organizations (Gesellschaft für Ökologie GfÖ, Verband der Geoökologen Deutschlands VGöD, International Association for Landscape Ecology, Sektion Deutschland IALE-D, Colloquium Historicum Wirsbergense CHW, Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth)