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Tierökologie II

Prof. Dr. Konrad Dettner (im Ruhestand)

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Stefan Dötterl: Publikationen

Dötterl, S; Glück, U; Jürgens, A; Woodring, J; Aas, G: Floral Reward, Advertisement and Attractiveness to Honey Bees in Dioecious Salix caprea, PLoS ONE, 9(3), e93421 (2014), doi:DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093421 -- Details
Tolasch, T; Kehl, S; Dötterl, S: First sex pheromone of the order Strepsiptera: (3R,5R,9R)-3,5,9-Trimethyldodecanal in Stylops melittae KIRBY, 1802, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38, 1493–1503 (2012) -- Details
Heiduk, A; Brake, I; Tolasch, T; Frank, J; Jürgens, A; Meve, U; Dötterl, S: Scent chemistry and pollinator attraction in the deceptive trap flowers of Ceropegia dolichophylla, South African Journal of Botany, 76, 762-769 (2010) -- Details
Nikbakhtzadeh, MR; Dettner, K; Boland, W; Dötterl, S: A novel approach to the quantitation of coeluting cantharidin and deuterium labelled cantharidin in Blister Beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae), Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases, 1(2), 19-26 (2007) -- Details
Nikbakhtzadeh, MR; Dettner, K; Boland, W; Gäde, G; Dötterl, S: Intraspecific transfer of cantharidin within selected members of the family Meloidae (Insecta: Coleoptera, J. Insect Physiol., 53(9), 890-899 (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2007.02.012 -- Details
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