

FIMIN Final Conference: Iron Biogeochemistry - From Molecular Processes to Global Cycles

Su. 2013-03-03-Fr. 2013-03-08, Monte Verita, CH

Contact: Ruben Kretzschmar, Stefan Peiffer, Stephan M. Kraemer, Thilo Behrends

An international conference will close the FIMIN activities in 2013.

The FIMIN Conference should bring together the entire international community working in the field of FIMIN and thus continue on the nucleation point that brought up FIMIN back in November 2003 (Monte Verita Conference on “Biogeochemical Processes Involving Iron Minerals in Natural Waters”). It is planned to gather the network of PhD students, Post-Docs and senior scientists that has formed throughout the duration of FIMIN and discuss results and achievements as well as future collaborative activities.


-> Conference Website with Abstract Submission
(Deadline: Oct.1 2012)

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last modified 2012-06-21