

Members by Country

Name Institution Country
van Riemsdijk, Willem.H., Prof.Soil chemistry and chemical soil quality, Wageningen UniversityThe Netherlands
Lloyd, Jon, Prof.School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences , The University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
Taillefert, Martial, Assoc. Prof.School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of TechnologyUSA
Snowball, Ian, Prof.Quaternary Geology & Environmental Magnetism, Lund UniversitySweden
Laghi, Luca, Dr.Organic Chemistry, University of BolognaItaly
Jorand, Frédéric, Dr.Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Microbiology for the Environment , University of LorraineFrance
Smolders, Erik, Prof.Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Soil and Water ControlBelgium
Majzlan, Juraj, Prof.Institute of Geosciences, University of JenaGermany
Erel, Yigal, Prof. Dr.Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew UniversityIsrael
Thamdrup, Bo, Prof.Institute of Biology, University of South DenmarkDenmark
Kretzschmar, Ruben, Prof.Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, ETH ZurichSwitzerland
Hirt, Ann, Prof.Institute for Geophysics, ETH ZurichSwitzerland
Kappler, Andreas, Prof. Dr.Geomicrobiology, Center for Applied Geoscience (ZAG), Eberhard-Karls-University TuebingenGermany
Dunin‐Borkowski, Rafal E., Prof.FZ Jülich / Technical University of DenmarkGermany / Denmark
Skyllberg, Ulf, Prof.Forest Ecology & Management, Umeå UniversitySweden
Lehtoranta, Jouni, Adj. Prof.Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Marine Research Centre, Modeling and Innovations UnitFinland
Benning, Liane G., Prof.Experimental Biogeochemistry, University of LeedsUnited Kingdom
Campus, Paola, Dr.European Science Foundation, Life, Earth, Environment and Polar Sciences UnitFrance
McIntosh, PaiviEuropean Science Foundation, Life, Earth, Environment and Polar Sciences UnitFrance
Borch, Thomas, Assoc. Prof.Environmental Soil Chemistry, Colorado State UniversityUSA
Hug, Stephan, Dr.Eawag - Aquatic Research, DuebendorfSwitzerland
Kaegi, Ralf, Dr.Eawag - Aquatic Research, DuebendorfSwitzerland
Voegelin, Andreas, Dr.Eawag - Aquatic Research, DuebendorfSwitzerland
Peiffer, Stefan, Prof. Dr.Department of Hydrology, University of BayreuthGermany
Druschel, Gregory K., Dr.Department of Geology, University of VermontUSA
Nieto, José Miguel, Prof.Department of Geology, University of HuelvaSpain
Behrends, Thilo, Dr.Department of Earth Sciences - Geochemistry, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht UniversityThe Netherlands
Pósfai, Mihály, Prof.Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of PannoniaHungary
Lövgren, Lars, Dr.Department of Chemistry, University of UmeåSweden
Koch, Christian Bender, Dr.Department of Basic Science and Environment, Faculty of Life Science, University of CopenhagenDenmark
Rombolà, Adamo Domenico, Prof.Department of Agricultural Science, University of BolognaItaly
Barrón, Vidal, Prof.Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad de CórdobaSpain
Torrent, José, Prof.Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad de CórdobaSpain
Amils, Ricardo, Dr.Centro de Astrobiología, Autonomous University of MadridSpain
Maher, Barbara A., Prof.Centre for Environmental Magnetism & Palaeomagnetism, Lancaster Environment Centre, University of LancasterUnited Kingdom
Kraemer, Stephan M., Prof.Center for Geosciences, University of ViennaAustria
Johnson, David Barrie, Prof.Bangor UniversityUnited Kingdom
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