
Bußler, H; Blaschke, M; Walentowski, H: Bemerkenswerte xylobionte Käferarten in Naturwaldreservaten des Bayerischen Waldes (Coleoptera), Entomologische Zeitschrift, 120(6), 263-268 (2010)

The presented results derive from investigations in the frame of “Biodiversity and Climate Project” (BIOKLIM) of the Bavarian Forest National Park and the Research Network Project FORKAST, module 2 “Ecological gradient of altitude based on different species groups in natural forest stands of the Bavarian Forest”. Natural forest reserves are a comparatively natural forest ecosystem providing ideal research areas to collect data of species groups which could be possible climatic indicators. Since 30 years – when these forest stands were designated – they are widely out of anthropogenic impact. The study was accomplished in eight natural forest reserves along an altitudinal gradient (from 325 to 1400m a.s.l.) in the Bavarian and Neuburger Forest. In that context the xylobiontic (saproxylic) beetle fauna of the eight natural forest reserves was investigated during the summer seasons of the years 2008 and 2009 using a total of 58 flight intercept traps. We found 17 species that are remarkable for their restricted habitat specifity, for narrow temperature and humidity amplitudes, for biogeopraphical reasons, for regional threat or rareness. Among them, Xyleborus germanus seems to be the most sensitive indicator species for climate change dynamics. The past and the current distribution of this ambrosia beetle species reveals its sensitivity against winter frosts. Its recent range expansion (increasing upper altitudinal limits of long-term survivable populations) is supposed to be caused by global warming.

last modified 2011-01-31