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Publikationsliste Klimatologie Bitök

-- 2008 --
Klemm, O; Wrzesinsky, T; Gerchau, J; Griessbaum, F: A collector for fog water and interstitial aerosol, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25, 335-240 (2008) -- Details

-- 2007 --
Klemm, O; Wrzesinsky, T: Fog deposition fluxes of water and ions to a mountainous site in Central Europe, Tellus B, 59, 705-715 (2007)

-- 2005 --
Held, A; Novak, A; Wiedensohler, A; Klemm, O: Field measurements and size-resolved model simulations of turbulent particle transport to a forest canopy, J. Aerosol Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2005.06.005 (2005)
Klemm, O; Wrzesinsky, T; Scheer, C: Fog water flux at a canopy top: Direct measurement versus one-dimensional model, Atmospheric Environment, 39, 5375-5386 (2005)
Sodemann, H; Foken, T: Special characteristics of the temperature structure near the surface, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 81-98 (2005) [Link] -- Details
Thomas, C; Foken, T: Detection of long-term coherent exchange over spruce forest, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 91-104 (2005) [Link] -- Details

-- 2004 --
Beyrich, F; Adam, W; Bange, J; Behrens, K; Berger, FH; Bernhofer, C; Bösenberg, J; Dier, H; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Görsdorf, U; Güldner, J; Hennemuth, B; Heret, C; Huneke, S; Kohsiek, W; Lammert, A; Lehmann, V; Leiterer, U; Leps, J-P; Liebethal, C; Lohse, H; Lüdi, A; Mauder, M; Meijninger, WML; Mengelkamp, H-T; Queck, R; Richter, SH; Spieß, T; Tittebrand, A; Weisensee, U; Zittel, P: Verdunstung über einer heterogener Landoberfläche, Das LITFASS-2003 Experiment, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, 79, 100 S. (2004)
Börngen, M; Foken, T; Hupfer, P: 50 Jahre Grundschicht der Troposphäre, NTM N.S., 12, 201-212 (2004) -- Details
Foken, T; Göckede, M; Mauder, M; Mahrt, L; Amiro, BD; Munger, JW: Post-field data quality control. in Lee X., Massman W, Law B : Handbook of Micrometeorology: A Guide for Surface Flux Measurement and Analysis, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 181-208 (2004)
Foken, T; Lüers, J; Lauerer, M; Aas, G: Im Ökologisch-Botanischen Garten: Dem Klima auf der Spur, , 1-28 (2004) -- Details
Göckede, M; Rebmann, C; Foken, T: A combination of quality assessment tools for eddy covariance measurements with footprint modelling for the characterisation of complex sites, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 127, 175-188 (2004) -- Details
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: On the significance of the Webb correction to fluxes, Corrigendum, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 113, 301 (2004)
Lüers, J; Foken, T: Klimawandel in Oberfranken, Der Siebenstern, 73, 149-153 (2004) -- Details
Rebmann, C; Anthoni, P; Falge, E; Göckede, M; Mangold, A; Subke, J-A; Thomas, C; Wichura, B; Schulze, ED; Tenhunen, JD; Foken, T: Carbon budget of a spruce forest ecosystem in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 143-160 (2004)
Sodemann, H; Foken, T: Empirical evaluation of an extended similarity theory for the stably stratified atmospheric surface layer, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 130, 2665-2671 (2004) -- Details
Steinbrecher, R; Rappenglück, B; Hansel, A; Graus, M; Klemm, O; Held, A; Wiedensohler, A; Nowak, A: Vegetation-atmospheric interactions: The emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and their relevance to atmospheric particle dynamics in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 215-232 (2004)

-- 2003 --
Aubinet, M; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Foken, T; Grelle, A; Ibrom, A; Moncrieff, JB; Pilegaard, K; Rannik, Ü; Rebmann, C: Metodology for data acquisition, storage and treatment in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 163, 9-35 (2003) -- Details
Foken, T: Angewandte Meteorologie, Mikrometeorologische Methoden, , Springer, 289 S. (2003) -- Details
Schröter, M; Obermeier, A; Brüggemann, D; Plechschmidt, M; Klemm, O: Remote monitoring of air pollutant emissions from pouint sources by a mobile LIDAR/Sodar system, J. of the Air and Waste Management Association, 53, 716-723 (2003)

-- 2002 --
Balogun, AA; Jegede, OO; Foken, T; Olaleye, JO: Estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes over bare soil using bowen ratio energy balance method at a humid tropical site, Journal of the African Meteorology Society, 5(1), 63-71 (2002)
Balogun, AA; Jegede, OO; Foken, T; Olaleye, JO: Comparison of two Bowen-ratio methods for the estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes at Ile-Ife, Nigeria, J. African Meteorol Soc., 5 (2), 63-69 (2002)
Beyrich, F; Foken, T; Herzog, H-J: Editorial: The LITFASS-98 experiment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 73, 1-2 (2002)
Beyrich, F; Richter, SH; Weisensee, U; Kohsiek, W; Lohse, H; DeBruin, H; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Berger, FH; Vogt, R; Batchvarova, E: Experimental determination of turbulent fluxes over the heterogeneous LITFASS area: Selected results from the LITFASS-98 experiment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 73, 19-34 (2002)
Burkard, R; Eugster, W; Wrzesinsky, T; Klemm, O: Vertical divergences of fogwater fluxes above a spruce forest, Atmospheric Research, 64, 133-145 (2002)
Foken, T: Some aspects of the viscous sublayer, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 11, 267-272 (2002)
Held, A; Klemm, O; Hinz, K-P; Trimborn, P; Spengler, B: Chemical classes of atmospherric aerosol particles at a rural site in Central Europe during winter, J. Aerosol Sciences, 33, 581-594 (2002) -- Details
Held, A; Wrzesinsky, T; Mangold, A; Gerchau, J; Klemm, O: Atmospheric phase distribution of oxidized and reduced nitrogen at a forest ecosystem research site, Chemosphere, 48, 697-706 (2002) -- Details
Klemm, O; Milford, C; Sutton, MA; van Putten, E; Spindler, G: A climatology of leaf surface wetness, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 71, 107-117 (2002) -- Details
Schröter, M; Obermeier, A; Brüggemann, D; Klemm, O: Application of Ground-Based Lidar for Studies of the Dynamics of Ozone in a Mountainous Basin, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 9, 381-384 (2002)
Thalmann, E; Burkard, R; Wrzesinsky, T; Eugster, W; Klemm, O: Ion fluxes from fog and rain to an agricultural and a forest ecosystem in Europe, Atmospheric Research, 64, 147-158 (2002)

-- 2001 --
Foken, T; Wichura, B; Klemm, O; Gerchau, J; Winterhalter, M; Weidinger, T: Micrometeorological conditions during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 10, 171-178 (2001)
Jegede, OO; Foken, T; Balogun, AA; Abimbola, AJ: Bowen ratio determination of sensible and latent heat , Mausam, 52, 669-678 (2001)
Klemm, O: Local and Regional Ozone: A Students" Study Project, Journal of Chemical Education, 78, 1641-1646 (2001)
Klemm, O; Mangold, A: Ozone Deposition at a Forest Site in Ne Bavaria, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 1, 223-232 (2001) -- Details
Römpp, A; Fricke, W; Klemm, O; Frank, H: Haloacetates in Fog and Rain, Environmental Science Technology, 35, 1294-1298 (2001) -- Details

-- 2000 --
Foken, T; Mangold, A; Rebmann, C; Wichura, B: Characterization of a complex measuring site for flux measurements in Am. Meteorol. Soc.: Proc. Ninth Conference on Mountain Met, 239-240 (2000)
Klemm, O; Stockwell, WR; Schlager, H; Krautstrunk, M: NOx or VOC Limitation in East German Ozone Plumes ?, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 35, 1-18 (2000) -- Details
Wrzesinsky, T; Klemm, O: Summertime Fog Chemistry at a Mountainous Site in Central Europe, Atmospheric Environment, 34, 1487-1496 (2000) -- Details

-- 1999 --
Foken, T; Kukharets, VP; Perepelkin, VG; Tsvang, LR; Richter, SH; Weisensee, U: The influence of the variation of the surface temperature on the closure of the surface energy balance, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 308-309 (1999)
Foken, T; Mangold, A; Hierteis, M; Wichura, B; Rebmann, C: Characterization of the heterogeneity of the terrain by normalized turbulence characteristics, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 26-27 (1999)
Heinz, G; Handorf, D; Foken, T: Direct visualization of the energy transfer from coherent structures to turbulence via wavelet analysis, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 664-665 (1999)
Jegede, OO; Foken, T: A study of the internal boundary layer due to a roughness change in neutral conditions during the LINEX field campaigns, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 62, 31-41 (1999) -- Details
Klemm, O; Burkhardt, J; Gerchau, J: Leaf Wetness: A Quantifiable Parameter in Deposition Studies in Borell, P.M. and Borell, P.: Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium "98: Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere, 238-242 (1999)
Klemm, O; Lange, H: Trends of Air Pollution in the Fichtelgebirge Mountains, Bavaria, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 6, 193-199 (1999), doi:10.1007/BF02987325 -- Details
Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Wörlen, C; Eiden, R: Windspeed regionalization and the influence on areal evapotranspiration predic-tion, IAHS , 254, 97-104 (1999)
Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Wörlen, C; Eiden, R: Wind speed regionalization and its influence on areal evapotranspiration prediction, Regionalization in Hydrology, 254, 97-104 (1999) -- Details
Wörlen, C; Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Eiden, R: Spatial extrapolation of agrarmeteorological variables. , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 94, 233-242 (1999)
Wörlen, C; Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Eiden, R: Spatial extrapolation of agrometeorological variables, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 94, 233-242 (1999) -- Details

-- 1998 --
Foken, T: Bestimmung der Schneedrift mittels Ultraschallanemometern, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 451-452 (1998) -- Details
Foken, T: Genauigkeit meteorologischer Messungen zur Bestimmung des Energie- und Stoffaustausches über hohen Pflanzenbeständen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 513-514 (1998)
Foken, T; Handorf , D; Richter, SH; Wichura, B: Qualitätskontrolle mikrometeorologischer Messungen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 515-516 (1998)
Handorf , D; Heinz, G; Foken, T: Untersuchung des Energieaustausches bei stark stabiler Schichtung mittels Wavelet-Transformation, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 439-440 (1998)
Inclan, MG; Dlugi, R; Richter, SH; Foken, T: Vergleich zwischen LITFASS- und FLAME-(Forest-Land-Atmosphere-Model) Ergebnissen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 267-268 (1998)
Klemm, O; Lange, H: Trends in Air Pollutant Concentrations at a Rural Site in Central Europe. 6th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 5, 173 (1998), doi:10.1007/BF02986409 -- Details
Klemm, O; Stockwell, WR; Schlager, H; Ziereis, H: Measurements of Nitrogen Oxides from Aircraft in the Northeast Atlantic Flight Corridor, Journal of Geophysical Research D, 103/31, 217-229 (1998) -- Details
Klemm, O; Ziomas, IC: Urban Emissions Measured with Aircraft, Journal of the Air Management Association, 48, 16-25 (1998)
Klemm, O; Ziomas, IC; Balis, D; Suppan, P; Slemr, J; Romero, R; Vyras, LG: A summer air-pollution study in Athens, Greece, Atmospheric Environment, 32, 2071-2087 (1998)
Kramm, G; Beckmann, R; Foken, T: Numerische Untersuchung zur Verdunstung über Wasserflächen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 269-270 (1998)
Kramm, G; Foken, T: Uncertainty analysis on the evaporation at the sea surface in Internationales BALTEX Sekretariat: Second Study Conference on BALTEX, Juliusruh, 25-29 May 1998, 11, 113-114 (1998)
Schumann, U; Schlager, H; Arnold, F; Baumann, R; Haschberger, P; Klemm, O: Dilution of aircraft exhaust plumes at cruise altitudes, Atmospheric Environment, 32, 3097-3103 (1998) -- Details
Wrzesinsky, T; Klemm, O; Ostertag-Henning, Ch; Ilgen, G: Organo-Metallic Compounds in Central European Fog, Proc. 1st International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Vancouver, Canada (July 1998), 61-64 (1998) -- Details

-- 1997 --
Burkhardt, J; Drechsel, P: The synergism between SO2 oxidation and manganse leaching on spruce needles - a chamber experiment , Environmental Pollution, 95, 1-11 (1997)
Faust, E: Die Modellierung atmosphärischer Stickstoff-Deposition in einen Koniferenbestand in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 45, 1-113 (1997) -- Details

-- 1996 --
Bruckner, G; Peters, K; Schulze, ED; Eiden, R: Concentrations and d15N values of gaseous NH3 and particulate NH4+ indicating different emission sources in Borell,PM; Borell,P; Cvitas,T; Kelly,K and Seiler,W (eds.): Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium 96, Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 137-142 (1996)
Bruckner-Schatt, G: Deposition und oberirdische Aufnahme von gas- und partikelförmigem Stickstoff aus verschiedenen Emissionsquellen in ein Fichtenökosystem in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 29, 1-211 (1996) -- Details
Faust, E; Peters, K: The NIDEHET Procedure for Modelling Heterogeneous Reactions of Nitrogen Compounds Influencing Dry Deposition of Coniferous Forests in Borell,PM; Borell,P; Cvitas,T; Kelly,K and Seiler,W (eds.): Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium 96, Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 385-390 (1996)
Klemm, O: Five years of aircraft measurements of air pollution in an industrialized region in eastern Germany, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 5, 221-223 (1996)

-- 1995 --
Bruckner-Schatt, G; Peters, K; Bauer, GA; Schulze, ED: Reduzierter atmosphärischer Stickstoff: Emmission, Immission, Deposition und oberirdische Aufnahme in ein Fichtenökosystem, Wirkungskomplex Stickstoff und Wald. IMA-Querschnittseminar Nov. 1994, Berlin. UBA-Texte, 28/95, 69-79 (1995)
Burkhardt, J: Microscopic processes governing the deposition of trace gases and particles to vegetation surfaces in Heij,GJ and Erisman,JW (eds.): Acid Rain Research - Do we have enough answers?, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 139-148 (1995)
Burkhardt, J: Hygroscopic salts on the leaf surface as a possible cause of forest decline symptoms, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 85, 1245-1250 (1995)
Burkhardt, J; Peters, K; Crossley, A: The presence of structural surface waxes on coniferous needles effects the pattern of dry deposition of fine particles, J. Experimental Botany, 46, 823-831 (1995)
Peters, K: Bestimmung der trockenen Deposition von atmosphärischen Spurenstoffen auf Bestandes- und Einzugsgebietsebene in Ostendorf,B: Räumlich differenzierte Modellierung von Ökosystemen. Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, BITÖK, Bayreuth, 13, 75-79 (1995)
Peters, K: Methoden zur Bestimmung der trockenen Deposition auf Pflanzenoberflächen, Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 7, 337-352 (1995)
Peters, K; Bruckner-Schatt, G: The dry deposition of gaseous and particulate nitrogen compounds to a spruce stand, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 85, 2217-2222 (1995)
Peters, K; Bruckner-Schatt, G: The atmospheric input of inorganic nitrogen and sulphur by dry deposition of aerosol particles to a spruce stand in Heij,GJ and Erisman,JW (eds.): Acid Rain Research - Do we have enough answers?, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 149-160 (1995)
Peters, K; Gerchau, J: Klima und luftchemische Situation des Fichtelgebirges unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einzugsgebietes Lehstenbach in Manderscheid,B and Göttlein,A (eds.): Wassereinzugsgebiet "Lehstenbach" - das BITÖK-Untersuchungsgebiet am Waldstein (Fichtelgebirge, NO-Bayern), Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, BITÖK, Bayreuth, 18, 15-39 (1995)

-- 1994 --
Burkhardt, J: Dünne Wasserfilme auf Fichtennadeln und ihr Einfluß auf den Stoffaustausch zwischen Atmosphäre und Pflanze in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 9, 1-135 (1994)
Burkhardt, J: Dünne Wasserfilme auf Fichtennadeln und ihr Einfluß auf den Stoffaustausch zwischen Atmosphäre und Pflanze. In: Gemeinsames Konzept der langfristigen Erfassung von Stofftransporten zwischen terr. Ökosystemen und der Atmosphäre in Universität Göttingen (ed.): Berichte Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme Göttingen, Reihe B, 41, 62-67 (1994)
Burkhardt, J; Eiden, R: Thin water films on coniferous needles, Atmospheric Environment, 28, 2001-2011 (1994)
Burkhardt, J; Gerchau, J: A new device for the study of water vapour condensation and gaseous deposition to plant surfaces and particle samples, Atmospheric Environment, 28, 2012-2017 (1994)
Eiden, R; Burkhardt, J; Burkhardt, O: Atmospheric aerosol particles and their role in the formation of dew on the surface of plant leaves, J. Aerosol Sciences, 25, 367-376 (1994)
Kanchanakanti, N: Versuchsansatz zur Bildung von Oberflächenfilmen. In: Gemeinsames Konzept der langfristigen Erfassung von Stofftransporten zwischen terrestrischen Ökosystemen und der Atmosphäre in Universität Göttingen (ed.): Berichte Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme Göttingen, Reihe B, 41, 68-69 (1994)
Peters, K: Der atmosphärische Eintrag von anorganischen Stickstoff und Schwefel durch trockene Deposition von Aerosolpartikeln auf einen Fichtenbestand in Universität Göttingen (ed.): Berichte Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme Göttingen, Reihe B, 41, 59-61 (1994)

-- 1991 --
Peters, K; Ludwig, J; Ruoß, K: The input of inorganic ions to spruce forests by dry deposition of aerosol particles, J. Aerosol Sciences, 22, 569-572 (1991)

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