Activity 1.2: Quality control and improvement of eddy flux data
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Task 1.2.3 First analysis of nocturnal fluxes and associated problems due to complex topographies:
Accurate measurements of CO2 fluxes during night conditions will be performed. To this end, a mobile advection and storage measurement system will be set up. In this first phase it will be installed during short campaigns (2-3 months) at 2 sites already equipped with eddy covariance systems and characterised by different topographies. The aims of the comparison is to define the topographic and the meteorological conditions under which night advection and storage are important. This will allow the evaluation of the classical u* correction currently used during night periods and the proposition of a more precise method.
Responsible for this task: Mark Aubinet, Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux

Timetable and Dokuments

1. Experiments

- Summer 2004: Bily Kriz site
- March 2005: Renon site
- March 2006: Norunda site
- August 2006: Wetzstein site
- Further measurements at the Tharandt, Vielsalm or Hesse site

2. Workshops

- End Summer 2004: Technical Workshop (Czech Republic)

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