Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



3 Ökosysteme: Funktion und Leistungen

Donnerstag, 11:30-17:00, H8

11:30O 3.1: Andreas Held et al.: Secondary aerosol formation – interdisciplinary approaches to atmospheric gas-to-particle conversion studies
11:45O 3.2: Michael Riederer et al.: Partitioning of atmospheric carbon dioxide fluxes into ecosystem carbon pools by coupling stable isotope labeling and eddy covariance
12:00O 3.3: Maren Dubbert et al.: Using δ18O signatures to trace evapotranspiration and partition ecosystem water fluxes
12:15O 3.4: Stefan Strohmeier et al.: Concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in runoff from a forested catchment: Insights from high frequency measurements
14:30Postersession (mit Kaffeepause)
15:30O 3.5: Jonny Neumann et al.: Growth of extraradical ectomycorrhizal mycelium and fine roots in a young Norway spruce stand
15:45O 3.6: Fahmida Sultana et al.: The importance of outside ambient weather conditions for ecosystem drought manipulation experiments
16:00O 3.7: Mohammed Abu Sayed Arfin Khan et al.: Role of legume presence in modifying plants response to extreme weather events in temperate grassland
16:15O 3.8: Jan Schürings et al.: Effects of winter warming pulses on nitrogen cycling in temperate heath and grassland communities
16:30O 3.9: Patrick Poppenborg et al.: Do attitudes towards ecosystem services determine agricultural land use practices? An analysis of farmers' decision-making in a South Korean watershed
16:45O 3.10: Michael Hauhs et al.: The Possible and Impossible in Ecosystem Modelling

Preisverleihung und Schlusswort

Prof. Bettina Engelbrecht, stellvertr. Leiterin PEER
Prof. Björn Reineking, Leiter Promotionsprogramm PEER


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P 3.1 Frederik Wegener, Wolfram Beyschlag, Christiane Werner
Carbon and Nitrogen Allocation Strategies Influence the Isotope Pattern of Plant Organs
P 3.2 Maren Dubbert, Katie Rascher, Christiane Werner
Species-specific differences in temporal and spatial variation in δ13C of plant carbon pools and dark-respired CO2 under changing environmental conditions
P 3.3 Julia Köpp, Gerhard Gebauer
Intramolecular nitrogen isotope distribution in N2O from soil air along depth profiles in a Spruce forest (Fichtelgebirge, Germany)
P 3.4 Kavita Srivastava, Anke Jentsch, Guido Wiesenberg
Effect of severe drought on the molecular composition of lipids in plants and soil in the temperate grassland of central Europe
P 3.5 Heera Lee, Christina Bogner, Thomas Koellner
Does crop diversity stabilise farmers’ income? Time Series Analysis of agro-economical data from South Korea
P 3.6 Timothy Thrippleton, Klara Dolos, George Perry, Jürgen Groeneveld, Björn Reineking
Long-term forest dynamics on Mt. Hauhungatahi, New Zealand: a forest-landscape simulation study
P 3.7 Matthias Sörgel, Andreas Held
Near surface profiles of HONO: The vegetated surface as a source and a sink
P 3.8 Katharina Kamilli, Johannes Ofner, Cornelius Zetzsch, Andreas Held
Formation of halogen-induced secondary organic aerosol (XOA)
P 3.9 Stefan Gonser, Andreas Held
Characterization of a thermal desorption mass spectrometer for freshly nucleated secondary aerosol particles
P 3.10 Christine Hellmann, Katherine G. Rascher, Cristina Máguas, Christiane Werner
Community 15N isoscapes: a spatially-explicit method for tracing plant-plant-interactions
P 3.11 Katherine G. Rascher, Cristina Máguas, Christiane Werner
Modeling canopy photosynthesis from phloem sap δ13C and xylem sap flux: model development and application in two functionally distinct tree species
P 3.12 Iris Schmiedinger, Sebastian Haas, Michael Thoma, Gebauer Gerhard
Measurement of δ15N and δ18O in Nitrate from Soil Water Samples
P 3.13 Lei Han, W.-U. Palm, S. Bleicher, C. Zetzsch
A Langmuir-Hinshelwood Fit of Atmospheric Reactions of OH Radicals with Semivolatile, Aerosol-Borne Compounds in Chamber Experiments

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