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Analysis of NDVI time series in the Serengeti National Park and its surroundings by SSA

Corinna Dinkel1, Christina Bogner1, Bumsuk Seo2, Michael Hauhs1
1 Ecological Modelling, University of Bayreuth
2 Biogeographical Modelling, University of Bayreuth

P 2.6 in Research in its Prime: First Results of Ongoing Research

The Serengeti National Park (Tanzania) was founded in 1951 and since then the anthropogenic influence has been constrained. This protected status might have influenced the vegetation dynamics. In the present study, we compare time series of NDVI (Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index) measured in the national park itself with those in its surrounding area. We study temporal dynamics by means of SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) that can decompose a time series into trend and periodicities. The database is MODIS NDVI that provides the index data every 16 days in 250 m resolution from 2001 up to the present. We will present and discuss our first results.

Letzte Änderung 09.10.2013