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Kai Uwe Totsche: Publikationen

Reichenberger, S; Amelung, W; Laabs, V; Pinto, A; Totsche, KU; Zech, W: Pesticide displacement along preferential flow pathways in a Brazilian Oxisol, Geoderma, 110, 63-86 (2002)
Totsche, KU; Wilcke, W; Körber, M; Kobza, J; Zech, W: Evaluation of fluoride-induced metal mobilization in soil columns, J. Environmental Quality, 29, 454-459 (2000)
Wilcke, W; Totsche, KU; Körber, M; Kobza, J; Zech, W: Fluoro-mobilization of metals in a Slovak forest soil affected by the emissions of an aluminum smelter, Journal of Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 163, 503-508 (2000)