Monitoring of soil-hydrological parameters in a selected wetland site near Nam Co
Nam Co 2009
From 09/2009 to 10/2009Experiment manager: Manfred Fink
Staff: Peter Krause, Jörg Helmschrot, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel, Sophie Biskop, Volker Hochschild, Jan Kropacek
During the field campaign in September/October 2009 the establishment of a measurement network for automatically recording of soil-hydrological parameters in a wetland test-site nearby Nam Co research station was successfully achieved. The selected wetland (30.43°, 91.00°) of small extent is situated south of Nam Co research station at a low to moderate slope.
Intensive field work has been done for the installation of four permanent nests consisting of soil moisture and ground water sensors to continuously monitor interannual and seasonal soil moisture and water level dynamics. To consider variability of hydrological dynamics in the wetland test-site, a cross-profile was established, whereas one nest was established within the wetland site and the other three were installed in the transitional areas. At each location, a pit was dug up to a depth of 1m. From the open pits, soil profiles were taken and soil horizons were described by colour, texture, structure and visible appearance of clay films, but also according to distinct horizons in terms of soil type, depth of horizon, grain size, rooting depths and abundance, stone content and moisture. After profile description and soil sampling, Stevens Hydra Probe soil sensors provided by ADCON Telemetry were installed at each location. Since several horizons have different hydrological properties a Hydra Probe was installed in each identified horizon to measure water movement in the soil as well as the differences in soil moisture fluctuations of distinct horizons. The Hydra Probe measure and records continuously soil temperature, soil moisture, soil electrical conductivity, and complex dielectric permittivity in 15 minute time interval. In addition, a tube with ADCON Standard Probe groundwater sensor was installed at each station. The Standard Probe includes a piezo-resistive pressure transmitter to compensate temperature and barometric pressure.
The data recorded by Hydra Probe and Standard Probe sensors are transmitted analogously to the data logger ADCON addit unit. Close to the wetland an ADCON addRelay station was installed at farm at a higher altitude to facilitate the radio transmitting data to the ADCON A440 radio station installed at the Nam Co Research Station. The latter is connected with the ADCON Telemetry Gateway server unit, which scan and buffer data full automatically of all incoming Radio Telemetry Unities. All ADCON data logger and relay unities are powered by solar panel. The buffered data can be retrieved via internet in real-time by any end-user worldwide.
Location of the installation
Pit with a depth of 1m Installation of the Sensors
Stevens Hydra Probe Soil Sensor
Drill for groundwater Radio-transmitter station