Call for Abstracts / Conference Theme
International Sport Governance: Challenges, Concepts, Case Studies
The organisational structures in sport are subject to constant change in their socio-economic environments. This results in challenges for the markets within sports as well as for sport development in competition with products and services outside of sport in the wider context of leisure and entertainment markets. Moreover, the market and governance structures in sport are extremely diverse – especially when compared internationally. Consequently, the concepts and solutions for how sport organisations deal with the opportunities and risks of market developments are very different.
The conference topic is therefore dedicated to questions and case studies on institutionalisation, regulation and organisational development in international sport. To what extent and with which concepts do sport organisations respond to mega-trends such as sustainability, digitalisation, social participation and diversity? To what extent do reform processes of regulations, competitions and major events in sport succeed or fail? How are innovations adopted, conflicts, disruptions or crises managed, and organisational cultures developed?
On the occasion of the European Football Championship 2024 in Germany, governance studies on (European) football and on major events (in football) are particularly welcome.
Abstract submission
In addition to contributions to the conference topic, all submissions on other sports economics topics and issues are explicity welcome. Abstracts can be submitted by uploading them to the conference homepage under registration. Please follow the guidelines for abstracts (structured, max. 600 words, incl. references). The submission deadline is 31 January 2024. Please also indicate whether you want to or can present in German or English. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously. Revisions are sometimes expected with a view to the final acceptance for presentation at the conference and the abstract volume. For further questions, please contact
Workshop for PhD students
There will be a workshop for PhD students ahead of the conference on June 20th, 2024. Further details will follow.