

Designing experiments in the hyporheic zone (ATC 02)

WS 2015/2016
2015-11-05-2015-11-06 (several days), University of Birmingham, UK

Stefan Krause, Jörg Lewandowski, Tom Battin, Michael Radke

Starting with general principles of experimental design and building upon ATC 1, this ATC focuses on advanced design of experiments.

Major topics:

  • time-scales of hyporheic processes
  • choose appropriate measurement frequencies
  • characterize and quantify major uncertainties in hyporheic studies

The ATC will be designed as a case study for the first of the joint field and modelling studies in HypoTRAIN. This will provide the best possible connection between theoretical considerations and practical applications, and it will be the starting point for the detailed planning of these experiments.


Please note: This course is mandatory for all HypoTRAIN ESRs!

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last modified 2015-08-19