

The challenge of communicating science (ATC 10)

WS 2015/2016
2015-10-26-2015-10-27 (several days), Stockholm University, Sweden

Anna Sobek

This ATC will focus on the implementation of successful outreach activities and provide the skills and strategies to efficiently communicate research to the general public. It will also ensure that the outreach of HypoTRAIN will be at the highest possible quality. The ATC provides first-hand insight into science communication from two different angles by a science journalist and a science communicator at one of the participating institutions. Strategies to use communication plans to increase the presence of research findings in traditional and modern media will be highlighted as well as the specifics of producing content.

The afternoon of day 3 will be reserved for developing individual outreach strategies to communicate HypoTRAIN activities and timelines for the individual outreach teams. In a follow-up workshop the success of HypoTRAIN outreach activities will be critically evaluated, thereby providing success control to the individual ESRs. Lessons learned from will be discussed, allowing the ESRs to benefit from the experience of the whole group.


Please note: Anna Sobek is hosting the course at Stockholm University, while the lectures will be given by Naomi Lubick (science journalist) and Stella Papadopoulou (science communicator at SU).

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last modified 2015-08-19