

Management and outreach – European Hyporheic Forum (ATC 14)

SS 2016

Jörg Lewandowski

The ESRs will get hands-on training during implementation of the EHF and organization of its kick-off meeting (see 3.3.2). Teams of three ESRs each will be responsible for identifying key stakeholders on the national and international level, for preparing and distribution information material, and for inviting stakeholders to participate. ESRs will also be responsible for developing the programme, budget planning and evaluation. They will be supported by the coordinator and the local supervisors and benefit from experience at the host institutions in organizing training courses and meetings. Monthly video conferences of the ESR teams with the Coordinator will guide the teams and provide them with strategies to efficiently manage the process; this will also serve to provide strategies for efficient project management and related management issues (time and resources management, communication strategies, implementing equal opportunities). This ATC will provide the ESRs with a unique learning experience in organizational skills and in communicating to stakeholders, in addition to the exposure to practitioners and fellow researchers in the EHF activities.

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last modified 2015-08-18