Vortrag, BayCEER Workshop: 2014, University of Bayreuth, Geo, H 8: 02.10.2014
It is commonly expected that climate change will increase the probability of extreme weather events. The potential impact of such events on ecosystems can be explored with manipulation experiments in the field. Rain-out shelters are often utilised in such experiments for simulating extreme droughts. It is known, however, that rain-out shelters not only exclude precipitation, but change other microclimatological parameter as well. In order to investigate their microclimatological impact, a horizontal mobile measuring system (HMMS) was installed at the EVENT II experiment at the University of Bayreuth in 2012. From this data set we examine the measured differences in radiation components, air temperature and moisture between inside and outside the shelters. The average differences found were most pronounced for down-welling long- and shortwave radiation. Moisture and air temperature deviations were significant, but small, although additional measurements show that near-ground minimum temperatures inside the shelter can be up to 3-4 K higher than outside. We relate these findings to typical weather conditions and finally discuss the impact of the changed radiation balance in terms of plant surface energy exchange.