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Cornelius Zetzsch: Theses supervised

Diploma Theses

Natalja Balzer (2007) Uptake of NO2 into the aqueous phase of the atmosphere - measurements in a heterogeneous flow reactor

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch

PhD Theses

Julian Wittmer (2016) Photochemical Activation of Chlorine and Bromine from Iron-doped Saline Media

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Paulo Alarcon (2016) Kinetics of the addition of hydroxyl radicals to polyalkylated benzenes in the gas phase

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Lei Han (2014) Experimental studies of the heterogeneous kinetics of OH radicals with Terbuthylazine adsorbed on self-synthesized SiO2 particles

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Sergej Bleicher (2012) Halogen activation from deliquescent aerosols and salt pans

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Natalja Balzer (2012) Kinetic investigations on the halogen activation above a modeled salt pan in a smog chamber

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Johannes Ofner (2011) Formation of secondary organic aerosol and its processing by atmospheric halogen species - a spectroscopic study

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Matthias Sörgel (2010) Heterogeneous chemistry of HONO and surface exchange

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Ayhan Sen (2008) Untersuchung der Reaktivität von Vinylethern und Hydroxylradikalen in der Gasphase und im aerosolgetragenem Zustand (TU Wien)

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Frank Siekmann (2008) Freisetzung der photolabilen und reaktiven Halogenverbinduangen aus salzhaltigen Aerosolen unter simulierten und troposphärischen Reinluftbedingungen in einer Aerosol-Smogkammer

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Laura Ines Nieto (2008) Determinación de las propiedades espectroscópicas y estudio de reacciones en fase heterogénea de nuevos compuestos orgánicos oxigenados presentes en la troposfera (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina).

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Ana Maria Geller (2007) Photochemische Abbauprozesse von polybromierten Diphenylethern in homogenen und heterogenen Systemen

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch
Radostin Gavrilov (2007) Experimental and theoretical examination of the chemical kinetics of a pollutant coating on porous particles

Supervisor: Cornelius Zetzsch