Poster, BayCEER Workshop 2008, Bayreuth: 2008-04-10
Aerosols (mineral dust, sea-salt, organic matter and HUmic LIke Substances, HULIS) play a crucial role in environmental chemistry by influencing lifetimes of atmospheric trace gases and forming secondary pollutants. Two major issues, formation of volatile organohalogen compounds by halogen activation and nitrous acid on irradiated organic surfaces, will be addressed by laboratory experiments. Smog chamber facilities are equipped with trace gas analyzers and instruments for aerosol characterization (FTIR-ATR, DRIFTS; and GC-ECD or GC-MS) to investigate formation of organohalogens and nitrates from reactions of organic aerosol or soil surfaces with sea-salt and NO2 respectively. Small photochemical flow reactors, in which organic films are exposed to NO2, are used to determine reaction kinetics of nitrous acid formation during irradiation.