>> Past Agenda|«« «« .. 20 .. »» »»|
Date | Location | Presenting person | Title |
Su. 2024-09-01 | BayCEER Jubilee Workshop 2024: Call for posters [Details] | ||
Mo. 2024-09-16 (10:00) | PNS, Seminar room | Prasant Ramesh Babu | SFB Mikroplastik: PhD Seminar: Shaping the Fate of Microplastics [Details] |
Su. 2024-09-22 (14:00) | Treffpunkt am Eingang des Gartens | Ecological-Botanical Garden: Führung | "Den ÖBG kennenlernen: Allgemeine Gartenführung" [Details] | |
Mo. 2024-09-30-Tu. 2024-10-01 (09:00-16:00) | University of Bayreuth, Dr. Hans-Frisch-Straße 1-3, H7 | Dr. Stefan Holzheu, Oliver Archner, BayCEER IT | BayCEER Short Courses: Introduction to environmental measurement technology with Arduino and Raspberry Pi [Details] |
Th. 2024-10-03 | Ökologisch Botanischer Garten | Ecological-Botanical Garden: Mouse Door Opener Day [Details] | |
Su. 2024-10-06 (10:00) | Treffpunkt am Eingang des Gartens | Ecological-Botanical Garden: Führung | "Ein GeNuss! Nüsse aus aller Welt" [Details] | |
Th. 2024-10-10-Fr. 2024-10-11 | NWIII | BayCEER Jubilee Workshop 2024 [Details] | |
Fr. 2024-10-11 (16:00-20:00) | Gutshof Mengersdorf, Mengersdorf 26, 95490 Mistelgau | Ottmar Ruppert (Waldbautrainer) | Dialog: Forum Zukunftswald: Erkennen & Förderung der Naturverjüngung im Wald [Details] |
Th. 2024-10-17 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2024-10-24 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2024-11-07 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | George Metreveli, Environmental Geochemistry | BayCEER Colloquium: Engineered nanoparticles in the environment – Interactions, transformations, fate |
Fr. 2024-11-08 | - Campus Uni Bayreuth & Online - | Dialog: Wasserkontroversen IV: Wasserrückhalt in der Landschaft [Details] | |
Th. 2024-11-14 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2024-11-21 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2024-11-28 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2024-12-05 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2024-12-12 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2025-01-09 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2025-01-16 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
Th. 2025-01-23 (12:15-13:45) | H6, Geo | NN | BayCEER Colloquium: - open - |
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